Thursday, February 7, 2019

Educators Needed in Papua New Guinea

Ukarumpa International School in Papua New Guinea 
is facing a teacher shortage in the next few years! 
Ukarumpa International school is located in the beautiful  Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea and it’s part of the Ukarumpa Linguistic Center  UIS supports the work of Bible translation by providing Christ-centered education using American curriculum and is well supported by the parents and community members. 
Please consider being a part of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea by using your skills to bless our kids and parents!
The top needs right now are elementary teachers and school administrators but if you’re a teacher and are interested in serving, let’s talk!
Teachers - Elementary School

-Art Teacher
-Early Elementary Teacher
-Elementary Teacher (Grades 3-5)
-ESL Teacher
-LAD Teacher
Teachers - Secondary School

-Computer/Technology Teacher
-English Teacher (Grade 6&7)
-Math Teacher (Grade 6, 7, Geometry, Algebra II) 
-Music Teacher - (Choir and Band) 
-Music Teacher R3526 (part time)
-Physical Education/Health Teacher 
-Science Teacher (Grade 6, Biology, Environmental Science) 
-Social Studies Teacher (World Geography, World History)
-Spanish Language Teacher (Spanish III) 
-Vocational Arts Teacher (Art, Wood, Metals, Drivers Ed, Auto Basics) 

-Children (Boarding) Home Parents (x4) 
-Curriculum Coordinator 
-School Administrator
-School Counselor/Psychologist 
Teach for a year or two or a lifetime!  Retired teachers are welcome!
For more information, contact:
Chuck Micheals – Education Recruitment Director at
or 321-278-2225
Most teachers apply through Wycliffe Bible Translators.   UIS teachers do not receive a salary in the traditional sense of the word, but are supported financially by a team of churches and individuals in their home countries.  Help is given in building these partnerships.

Watch these one minute videos to learn more about what it's like to teach at UIS.

Teaching is a Calling

After the Bill Rings

A Fun Place to Teach

Other short videos:

Is It Worth It?

We Need Teachers: Invitation from the Principal

For more information, contact Wendy

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