I wish everyone could attend a Bible dedication in their lifetime! We've been to 2 of them and the day (or perhaps a week of festivities) is full of energy and excitement! There is feasting, dancing, singing and many speeches. It's a culmination of a lot of years of hard work and perseverance and a time when the translators say, "Yes, it's worth it all!" We were able to hand out Bibles at one dedication and what a privilege it was! People were so thankful and many gave me bilums (string bags) as a way of saying thanks. Their excitement and enthusiasm made me appreciate God's Word in English all the more. What would it be like to not have God's Word in my own language?
Papua New Guinea:
Kuman New Testament
Folopa New Testament and I'll include this short video of an interview with the translator on the day of the dedication.
Lote New Testament
West Kewa New Testament
North Tanna New Testament
Solomon Islands
Arosi Dedication
Do you want to be involved in something that has eternal value that not only impacts people spiritually but also helps them in many practical ways? Discover what God is doing in the South Pacific and join us in this great adventure!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bible Dedications planned for 2011 -12 in PNG
15 Bible Dedications are being planned for 2011-12! I see each one as a testimony of God's faithfulness through the years in enabling the translators to keep going and providing all that was needed to get the work done. Let's pray that nothing will keep these dedications from taking place and that people will know God through reading His Word in their own language!
Language Date Province
Nehan Jan 15, 2011 Bougainville
Ata Apr 2011 West New Britain
Saveeng-Tuam (Mutu) Apr 2011 Morobe
Saveeng-Oov (Mutu) Apr 2011 Morobe
Madak New Ireland
Agarabi May 22, 2011 Eastern Highlands
Bola June 25, 2011 New Britain
Bariai Aug 2012 New Britain
Kuni-Boazi Western
Arop-Lokep 2011, 2014 Madang
Marik Madang
Maiwa 2012 Milne Bay
Ogea (BTA) Madang
Uri Morobe
Konai Western
Language Date Province
Nehan Jan 15, 2011 Bougainville
Ata Apr 2011 West New Britain
Saveeng-Tuam (Mutu) Apr 2011 Morobe
Saveeng-Oov (Mutu) Apr 2011 Morobe
Madak New Ireland
Agarabi May 22, 2011 Eastern Highlands
Bola June 25, 2011 New Britain
Bariai Aug 2012 New Britain
Kuni-Boazi Western
Arop-Lokep 2011, 2014 Madang
Marik Madang
Maiwa 2012 Milne Bay
Ogea (BTA) Madang
Uri Morobe
Konai Western
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Update on Scripture Engagement in the Pacific
I was encouraged to read the following report from Mick Bandy, the Scripture Use coordinator for the Pacific area. SALT stands for Scripture Application and Leadership Training and it's designed to help and encourage people to read the Bible. You can read more about SALT here and Scripture Use here.
Yopno SALT course, Morebe Province, PNG, August 2010
The Yopno SALT course ran from August 9-22, immediately after the dedication of the Yopno New Testament on August 8, 2010. More than 200 participants were enrolled in the course, and many of them had purchased the Yopno New Testament and Psalms at the dedication. They were eager to attend the SALT course which began two days later. In fact, so many people wanted to hear the lessons that there was not enough room for them in the building. Some sat outside, listening intently to the teaching through the thatched walls.
Scripure Use Principles and Methods Course, PNG
Sept. 13-17, 2010
On the 13-15th and 17th September, the SIL-PNG Scripture Use Department hosted a Scripture Use Principles and Methods course at SIL’s new training centre. The course objectives were to familiarize participants with the resources available to run a local or regional Scripture Use course, as well as to enable them to lead and teach an SU workshop in their language areas. Topics included in this workshop were "Barriers" presented by Lizzie Meyer; "Culture in the Plan of God" presented by Amy Lindstrom; "Language in the Plan of God" presented by Danny DeLoach; "Key Terms and Translation Principles" presented by Joan Farr; "Multilanguage Churches" presented by Danny DeLoach; "SU in the Arts" presented by Patty Van der Meer; and "Storytelling" presented by Cindy Walker. The book "Translating the Bible Into Action" was the resource book made available for participants to purchase. "Yusim Baibel" was also given to the Papua New Guinea participants as a supplemental book to go in connection with "Translating the Bible Into Action." The photo above is an interactive exercise called "gatekeepers and clan leaders."
Solomon Islands Pisin SALT course, Honiara, Sept. 6-17, 2010
Twenty-four pastors and church leaders from five different language groups received certificates at the Solomon Islands Pisin SALT course, which ran from September 6-17, 2010, in Honiara, Guadalcanal.
Solomon Islands SALT Instructors' Training Course, Honiara, September 20-24, 2010
After the SALT course, a SALT Instructors’ Training course was conducted for 18 pastors and church leaders from 5 language groups. These leaders are now certified to teach the SALT course in their own language group in the Solomon Islands.
New Ireland Province Scripture Use Conference, PNG, September 27 - October 1, 2010
Church leaders from all over New Ireland Province gathered under the banner "Mother-tongue Scripture Conference: God's Word in mother-tongue is truly sweet!" This conference was the first regional Scripture Use conference planned as a follow-up to the national level Scripture Use conference held at Ukarumpa in January 2010. A few highlights of the New Ireland Province Scripture Use conference were: All church denominations present made concrete commitments to promote the translation and use of vernacular Scriptures in their congregations. A particular encouragement was the high level of enthusiasm and support from the many top-level regional Catholic leaders who attended, including the Bishop from the area. At the end of the conference all participants affirmed a ‘declaration’, attesting to the central role of mother-tongue Scriptures in the life of the church. The sweet spirit of unity expressed and experienced by the diverse denominations present was savored by all.
Tok Ples in Ministry Awareness Visits in Rabaul/Kokopo Area,PNG, October 4-7
From 4 to 7 October 2010 Steven Hong and Danny DeLoach visited several church training schools in the Rabaul/Kokopo area to promote awareness of the Tok Ples in Ministry Course. (Note: This course also goes by the name Vernacular in Ministry course, but the name has been changed for use outside of SIL.) The Rabaul area is a major center of church training institutions. Danny DeLoach reports: "We were received warmly be each school we visited. We left Tok Ples in Ministry resources (including lesson plans and brochures) with the Regional Centre manager." Highlights included: The leaders of the SDA school, Sonoma Adventist College, were very interested and excited about the Tok Ples in Ministry curriculum. They were ready for someone to come teach once a week for several weeks right away. The principal of Sonoma is a Nyndrou speaker from Manus Island. He says that he reads his Tok Ples (vernacular) Bible regularly and even refers to it when some passages are not clear to him in English. Each of the other three schools visited clearly expressed their desire to have Tok Ples in Ministry courses.
Hymnbook Production Workshop
Ligga, New Ireland Province, October 4-15
A Hymnbook Production Workshop was held at Ligga (near Kavieng) for three language groups of Northern New Ireland Province in PNG. This program was initiated by Steven and Holly Hong in cooperation with the United Church of New Ireland. Tomas and Riikka-Maria Kolkka facilitated the workshop, which had participants from the Tigak, Tiang and Kara-Luvurua languages. The oldest man in the picture above, Alison, has translated 200 hymns into the Tigak language!
SMBG (Sabi Mowa Blanga Godwei) course
Northern Territory, Australia, November 3-12, 2010
Pacific S.A.L.T. material was adapted and translated into the Kriol language; and Margaret Mickan, Lisa Detleftsen, John Armstrong and Rachel Borneman taught the SMBG (Sabi Mowa Blanga Godwei) course from November 3-12, 2010. Rachel reports highlights of the course include: "Reading the Kriol Bible ‘mijamet’ (i.e. together) and helping them (& us) grow stronger in their walk with the Lord; having about 10 faithful ladies that came more than eighty percent of the time. Some mates of John came a few times plus others; using a variety in the teaching styles – i.e. posters, worksheets, dramas, questions, etc. to present the message in Kriol; knowing most of the language, most of us could teach directly in Kriol and could adapt the worksheets to suit what we were teaching; Lisa’s inspiration in printing a children’s colouring-in sheet with each teaching for the kids that were coming; helping to encourage the indigenous folk to share the teachings at fellowship and out to the communities and share even at a card game! Great to have John continue to be there. Please pray as he continues to teach the Sin topics. As we got through the first secion ‘Hu God en hau im laigim pipul’ i.e. God and how he loves his people."
Iyo SALT course, Madang Province, PNG
November 12 - 27, 2010
Approximately 80 people attended the Iyo SALT course everyday, with 48 receiving certificates at the end of the course. The translation of the Iyo New Testament was facilitated by Paul and Jennie Minter.
SALT Instructors' Training Course, Ukarumpa, PNG, November 29 - December 4, 2010
Mick Bandy, Palmer Bandy, Marjan Sikkema, Carol Saferita, Fred Igami and Abra Noso facilitated this SALT Instructors' Training Course in Ukarumpa Training Center, PNG. At the graduation ceremony on December 4, 2010, nineteen new SALT instructors were recognized as Certified SALT Instructors. These participants will now join SALT teams throughout the nation of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific to encourage the study of God's Word in their own heart languages. "The Power of God’s Word … in every language … in every heart."
Future SU events planned during 2011 in the Pacific Area:
Trauma Healing Workshop in PNG scheduled for July 2011 - We will be hosting the very first Aiyura Valley Trauma Healing Workshop next July at our new training centre. A total of forty church pastors and church leaders (men and women) will be invited to attend this workshop which will train them on the area of trauma: the effects of trauma, how to grieve well and what the process of grief looks like, how to help women who have been raped and children of HIV AIDS who are left behind, and how to prepare for future crises and trauma. This workshop is a HUGE tool that God is giving us in order to equip our church pastors and leaders in the valley and we ask for financial support to make it possible, as well as prayer cover and spiritual wisdom for our teaching staff.
Various Regional Scripture Use Workshops are scheduled throughout Papua New Guinea in 2011.
SALT Courses in 2011
Jan 2011 -- Numangang SALT -- Jan 10-22
Feb 2011 -- Aiyugam SALT – Jan 31 – Feb 13
Feb 2011 – Tabo SALT - TBD,
March 2011 – Barum-Mindik SITC - TBD
April 2011 – Miniafia SALT - April 4-16
May 2011 – Sursurunga SALT - May 2-15
June 2011 – Bola SALT - June 24 – July 12
July 2011 – Ata SALT - TBD
Aug 2011 – Abau SALT course - Aug 22 – Sept 3
Sept 2011 – Solomon Islands SALT - Sept 19-30
*TBD = To be determined
Want to be involved? Contact me.
Yopno SALT course, Morebe Province, PNG, August 2010
The Yopno SALT course ran from August 9-22, immediately after the dedication of the Yopno New Testament on August 8, 2010. More than 200 participants were enrolled in the course, and many of them had purchased the Yopno New Testament and Psalms at the dedication. They were eager to attend the SALT course which began two days later. In fact, so many people wanted to hear the lessons that there was not enough room for them in the building. Some sat outside, listening intently to the teaching through the thatched walls.
Scripure Use Principles and Methods Course, PNG
Sept. 13-17, 2010
On the 13-15th and 17th September, the SIL-PNG Scripture Use Department hosted a Scripture Use Principles and Methods course at SIL’s new training centre. The course objectives were to familiarize participants with the resources available to run a local or regional Scripture Use course, as well as to enable them to lead and teach an SU workshop in their language areas. Topics included in this workshop were "Barriers" presented by Lizzie Meyer; "Culture in the Plan of God" presented by Amy Lindstrom; "Language in the Plan of God" presented by Danny DeLoach; "Key Terms and Translation Principles" presented by Joan Farr; "Multilanguage Churches" presented by Danny DeLoach; "SU in the Arts" presented by Patty Van der Meer; and "Storytelling" presented by Cindy Walker. The book "Translating the Bible Into Action" was the resource book made available for participants to purchase. "Yusim Baibel" was also given to the Papua New Guinea participants as a supplemental book to go in connection with "Translating the Bible Into Action." The photo above is an interactive exercise called "gatekeepers and clan leaders."
Solomon Islands Pisin SALT course, Honiara, Sept. 6-17, 2010
Twenty-four pastors and church leaders from five different language groups received certificates at the Solomon Islands Pisin SALT course, which ran from September 6-17, 2010, in Honiara, Guadalcanal.
Solomon Islands SALT Instructors' Training Course, Honiara, September 20-24, 2010
After the SALT course, a SALT Instructors’ Training course was conducted for 18 pastors and church leaders from 5 language groups. These leaders are now certified to teach the SALT course in their own language group in the Solomon Islands.
New Ireland Province Scripture Use Conference, PNG, September 27 - October 1, 2010
Church leaders from all over New Ireland Province gathered under the banner "Mother-tongue Scripture Conference: God's Word in mother-tongue is truly sweet!" This conference was the first regional Scripture Use conference planned as a follow-up to the national level Scripture Use conference held at Ukarumpa in January 2010. A few highlights of the New Ireland Province Scripture Use conference were: All church denominations present made concrete commitments to promote the translation and use of vernacular Scriptures in their congregations. A particular encouragement was the high level of enthusiasm and support from the many top-level regional Catholic leaders who attended, including the Bishop from the area. At the end of the conference all participants affirmed a ‘declaration’, attesting to the central role of mother-tongue Scriptures in the life of the church. The sweet spirit of unity expressed and experienced by the diverse denominations present was savored by all.
Tok Ples in Ministry Awareness Visits in Rabaul/Kokopo Area,PNG, October 4-7
From 4 to 7 October 2010 Steven Hong and Danny DeLoach visited several church training schools in the Rabaul/Kokopo area to promote awareness of the Tok Ples in Ministry Course. (Note: This course also goes by the name Vernacular in Ministry course, but the name has been changed for use outside of SIL.) The Rabaul area is a major center of church training institutions. Danny DeLoach reports: "We were received warmly be each school we visited. We left Tok Ples in Ministry resources (including lesson plans and brochures) with the Regional Centre manager." Highlights included: The leaders of the SDA school, Sonoma Adventist College, were very interested and excited about the Tok Ples in Ministry curriculum. They were ready for someone to come teach once a week for several weeks right away. The principal of Sonoma is a Nyndrou speaker from Manus Island. He says that he reads his Tok Ples (vernacular) Bible regularly and even refers to it when some passages are not clear to him in English. Each of the other three schools visited clearly expressed their desire to have Tok Ples in Ministry courses.
Hymnbook Production Workshop
Ligga, New Ireland Province, October 4-15
A Hymnbook Production Workshop was held at Ligga (near Kavieng) for three language groups of Northern New Ireland Province in PNG. This program was initiated by Steven and Holly Hong in cooperation with the United Church of New Ireland. Tomas and Riikka-Maria Kolkka facilitated the workshop, which had participants from the Tigak, Tiang and Kara-Luvurua languages. The oldest man in the picture above, Alison, has translated 200 hymns into the Tigak language!
SMBG (Sabi Mowa Blanga Godwei) course
Northern Territory, Australia, November 3-12, 2010
Pacific S.A.L.T. material was adapted and translated into the Kriol language; and Margaret Mickan, Lisa Detleftsen, John Armstrong and Rachel Borneman taught the SMBG (Sabi Mowa Blanga Godwei) course from November 3-12, 2010. Rachel reports highlights of the course include: "Reading the Kriol Bible ‘mijamet’ (i.e. together) and helping them (& us) grow stronger in their walk with the Lord; having about 10 faithful ladies that came more than eighty percent of the time. Some mates of John came a few times plus others; using a variety in the teaching styles – i.e. posters, worksheets, dramas, questions, etc. to present the message in Kriol; knowing most of the language, most of us could teach directly in Kriol and could adapt the worksheets to suit what we were teaching; Lisa’s inspiration in printing a children’s colouring-in sheet with each teaching for the kids that were coming; helping to encourage the indigenous folk to share the teachings at fellowship and out to the communities and share even at a card game! Great to have John continue to be there. Please pray as he continues to teach the Sin topics. As we got through the first secion ‘Hu God en hau im laigim pipul’ i.e. God and how he loves his people."
Iyo SALT course, Madang Province, PNG
November 12 - 27, 2010
Approximately 80 people attended the Iyo SALT course everyday, with 48 receiving certificates at the end of the course. The translation of the Iyo New Testament was facilitated by Paul and Jennie Minter.
SALT Instructors' Training Course, Ukarumpa, PNG, November 29 - December 4, 2010
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Future SU events planned during 2011 in the Pacific Area:
Trauma Healing Workshop in PNG scheduled for July 2011 - We will be hosting the very first Aiyura Valley Trauma Healing Workshop next July at our new training centre. A total of forty church pastors and church leaders (men and women) will be invited to attend this workshop which will train them on the area of trauma: the effects of trauma, how to grieve well and what the process of grief looks like, how to help women who have been raped and children of HIV AIDS who are left behind, and how to prepare for future crises and trauma. This workshop is a HUGE tool that God is giving us in order to equip our church pastors and leaders in the valley and we ask for financial support to make it possible, as well as prayer cover and spiritual wisdom for our teaching staff.
Various Regional Scripture Use Workshops are scheduled throughout Papua New Guinea in 2011.
SALT Courses in 2011
Jan 2011 -- Numangang SALT -- Jan 10-22
Feb 2011 -- Aiyugam SALT – Jan 31 – Feb 13
Feb 2011 – Tabo SALT - TBD,
March 2011 – Barum-Mindik SITC - TBD
April 2011 – Miniafia SALT - April 4-16
May 2011 – Sursurunga SALT - May 2-15
June 2011 – Bola SALT - June 24 – July 12
July 2011 – Ata SALT - TBD
Aug 2011 – Abau SALT course - Aug 22 – Sept 3
Sept 2011 – Solomon Islands SALT - Sept 19-30
*TBD = To be determined
Want to be involved? Contact me.
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