Friday, May 20, 2011

ServeInPNG: 1-2 years as a Language Intern

Are you interested in serving in Bible translation, but aren’t quite sure what is the best role for your gifts and interest? Are you willing to be flexible and open to doing tasks that fill pressing needs? Would you like to observe and learn from experienced and more highly trained colleagues on the field while helping them with tasks that free them to do tasks that require their experience and training?

Come join us in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for one to two years, to discover how God could use you to help the people of Papua New Guinea receive God’s Word in their heart language.

As a Language Program Intern with ServeInPNG you will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of responsibilities that will help you to learn what is involved in the different roles involved in a language program. While you are gaining confidence in what you can do from your experience, you’ll be helping to meet some important needs on the field.

Responsibilities could include, but are not limited to, any combination of the following:
 Raise awareness about HIV/AIDS in PNG villages
Assist a translation team to develop and produce literacy and Scripture Use materials
Type translations of Bible Studies developed by national translators
Help in a multi-language translation program
Show Jesus videos
Administrative tasks for workshops
Print materials that nationals develop
Assist national translators with computer work
Assist in Scripture Use plans for a language group
Train national translators on computer basics, typing skills and translation software
Mentor national translators during training sessions
Serve as facilitator for national translators and literacy workers
Assist national translators in preparation for consultant and community checking of translation and scripture
Help with a computer assisted translation using the Adapt-It computer translation program, perhaps even teaching nationals to use this program
Enter translated scripture into computer

Help national translators with "back translations"
Type and format grammar and phonology papers for translators
Help with development of exegetical materials
Perform miscellaneous tasks during a training session
Help create a literacy program for a specific language group using their resources and train the teachers.
Assist national translators and literacy trainers in planning programs for their language group
Help teach scripture application and leadership training
Help a national translator submit proposals for funding
Serve as a temporary partner for a single translator on the field who has no partner
Work on dictionary development for a vernacular language
Help with development of training curriculum and materials


“Overall, what amazes me is what the Lord is doing. I could not have thought up these things that are happening, but He has chosen me to be here and join with what He is doing at this time. People keep telling me none of this would be happening were we not here.” —David Wake, ServeInPNG member

“I was drawn to ServeInPNG because I was interested in serving with Wycliffe long term, but I wasn’t sure exactly what I could possibly want to do for the rest of my life—what would be a good fit for me—language work, or something more administrative. “Long-term” is a rather scary commitment if you aren’t sure that you will be doing a job that you love in a place you are happy to be. I’m especially excited about one opportunity that I didn’t even know existed until I got here. It’s been a great chance to meet the people I hope to serve with long-term, test out different jobs to see what I like and where my interests and gifts really fit, and begin developing a love for people that I hope to be ministering to for the next 30 years or so!”

-Lisa Gilliland, ServeInPNG

Interested in  learning more?  Email Wendy