Friday, May 30, 2014

PNG: Scripture Use Media

Would you like to be involved in making the Word of God more accessible and understandable to Papua New Guineans by recording Scriptures, Bible stories, worship songs and the Jesus or Luke video?  We are blessed with many tools to make the Gospel message understandable in one’s heart language.  Come and be a part of this vital need!

For the story of one couple working in Papua New Guinea who used audio recordings to aid literacy efforts and compile local music in the Bargam language, click here.

The Scripture Use Media office is located in the highlands of Papua New Guinea at Ukarumpa.  You’ll be doing recordings here but also in the villages--working with Papua New Guineans to make recordings of their own language.  Watching people’s faces as they listen to the Word of God in their own language is awesome!  It can make a huge difference in order to understand and apply Bible truths to their lives.

What are some of the job responsibilities and skills needed to do this type of work?
Ø  Learn the language of wider communication and the culture
Ø  Download recordings onto listening hardware such as media players or SD cards
Ø  Communicates spiritual values cross-culturally
Ø  Records and edits audio Scripture and post-produces finished product
Ø  Some technical skill is helpful including being comfortable with computers
Ø  In good physical condition and willing and able to “rough it”

Also helpful but not required:
    v  Previous electronic/communications/music training
    v  Previous multicultural experience

We will provide training!  For more information, contact

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