We arrived here on Mon. after a 27 hour flight! We are 15 hours ahead of central time so it's taking some time to get adjusted to it. Our "2 hour" nap on Mon. turned into a 4 hour one since the alarm didn't go off. We got up just in time for dinner and were surprised that we slept fairly good that night.
We're staying at the Wycliffe/ SIL Australia office located in Kangaroo Ground, a suburb outside of Melbourne and Equip is the linguistic school. We had morning tea with the staff and it was great to see many we served with in Papua New Guinea.
We met "Skippy" right outside our door. |

We arrived a day early to adjust to jet lag and visit with our good friends and the Directors of SIL Vanuatu, Ross and Lyndal Webb. We went out for lunch with them and then took a stroll along a river path. We heard someone yell "Wendy, Morris"! Can you imagine how surprised we were to look around and see Celeste, a gal from our church and a daughter of good friends, come running up to us? She is here visiting friends and we just "happened" to meet!
Now it's Wed. morning and and the meetings officially start today but we did spend some time getting to know each other last night by sharing stories of God's faithfulness. We're happy to be here and we look forward to what the day will bring.
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