Tuesday, April 10, 2012

MegaVoice: Orally Communicating God's Word

Jimmy, an older man who had practised divination and magic all his life, first heard the Scriptures in his language on someone else’s MegaVoice. He was intrigued, obtained his own machine and listened intently to God’s Word. ‘All my life I have practised magic, but after hearing God’s Word, I know that this is the truth?’ He became a Christian, gave up his magic and immediately began sharing his new-found faith in Christ. He still doesn’t read but continues to grow in faith by listening to his MegaVoice, and faithfully sharing Christ with others.
Not everyone will be able to read the translated Scriptures in their own language but that will not stop them from hearing the translated word with new technology like MegaVoice. MegaVoice is a small solar-powered self-contained digital audio player onto which the North Tanna New Testament has been recorded. They are in hot demand and making a difference in people’s lives.

From Beyond Words,

To read more how technology is being used in Vanuatu and else where,  click here. 

For more information on our work in Vanuatu click here. 

To read another story of MegaVoice use in Papua New Guinea, click here. 

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